
Friday, May 24, 2013

Not Home Yet

The other day, as I was driving to lunch with my family, I had about 20 minutes of quiet time to think. (that doesn't happen very often as a mother of six) Earlier in the day, Benjamin (11 months) had a hearing test. They have some concerns over his hearing. He may have a possible minor hearing loss.If it is confirmed, he will need hearing aids. They will perform one more test in mid- June, while he's under sedation.

Anyway, as I was driving, I was thinking about this and the many other things going on with Benjamin. I was also thinking about other challenging/ frustrating things our family has faced lately. At first, I felt frustration and despair rising up. However, as I pondered more deeply, I realized that sometimes that there are many blessings that come through hardships.

If you don't already know this, my mom has a significant hearing loss. She has been hearing impaired since she was a child. For many years she has worn hearing aids. While hearing loss is a disability, I don't feel worried or scared or sad over this situation with Benny. It is what it is. We deal with it. Just like many things, it will become a  part of his life. Just like carrying EpiPens for David, or doing breathing treatments, or dealing with Benny's seizures. It's not something we saw coming, but these things have become part of parenting these two special little boys.

Ok, so on to my main point...
As I was driving, I had a revelation. A reminder really. I often find myself wishing life were easier. I hope for healing for my children and other loved ones. But truly, it is the challenges in life that force us to keep our eyes on Jesus. If my life were perfect, if I had everything I wanted and never had any problems, it would be too easy for this world to become my Home. This world is not my home. It's not meant to be. Every challenge I face keeps me longing and waiting for the day I will be reunited with my Savior, and I cling to Him in this life all the more. I experience a sweet communion with Him that I wouldn't have experienced otherwise.