
Thursday, August 12, 2010

First week of school

After a difficult year, followed by a nice summer break, we are easing our way back into school. We are still sleeping in late, and, as I said, "easing" into it. Language arts and math the first couple weeks, then we'll start the other stuff.
I am really excited about this school year. I feel more prepared then I have in several years-more refreshed and ready. That's a big deal for me- because the last couple years have been rough and have had me close to giving up on homeschooling. After prayer, and encouragement, I came to realize that this is what is right for our family. I cannot imagine life any other way. I would miss then terribly if they were away all day, every day. As stressed out as I get, and frustrated at the mess, I realize this is just the way it is for us. Little by little, I learn how to deal with messes, stress, and life in general.
Every year, I become a better teacher, and a better mom. (and more HUMBLE!!) I'm telling you, if there is anything in life to show you how selfish, sinful, and utterly dependent on grace you really are, it's motherhood. Teaching your children at home just accentuates the affect.
Honestly, when a newer home school mom asks for advice, I feel honored, and I feel bit overwhelmed. Deep down, I feel like, "Why are they asking ME for advice? I am the least qualified person..." It still feels like yesterday I was getting started. It still feels new. It still feels shaky and scary. I don't have a lot of answers. It's a take-it-by-the-day thing and I'm just clinging to the Master's hand to keep me steady. But I do know this- it's worth it!! It's a joy!! It works!!
So, as I was saying, we are easing into this new year... much as a child eases into the pool on their own for the first time. With excitement, joy, and trepidation.