A friend on Facebook encouraged me to start a blog about life as a Mom of 5 kids... so here goes. I approach this with great excitement and trepidation. But, hey, why not? I approach much of life in the same fashion. Every day, in fact. Each day I wake up, never knowing what to expect. Daily life is fun, exciting, and fulfilling. It can also be boring, chaotic, depressing, and downright frustrating.
Okay, so I guess I should tell you a little more about me. As I mentioned before, I am Mom to 5 amazing kids. They are ages 11, 9, 7, 5, and 8 1/2 months. I am wife to an amazing man... my life with him has been a gift. Life is not easy... and neither is marriage, but I could not be more blessed!!
My husband, Brian, is currently a Document Systems Specialist for Tekniq Data Corp. He is also a seminary student- working on a Masters in Divinity with emphasis in Christian Education. We live on campus at the seminary and are blessed to have a 4 bedroom apt. (still tight living space, but we are thankful for it)
My days are busy homeschooling the kids and taking care of them and the home. I also serve in a women's ministry on campus, and sing in choir at our church. This has been an interesting year, with a difficult birth in September, baby being in the NICU for 7 days, and then more recently learning that he has food allergies (milk protein and possibly others) and asthma. He also has eczema and acid reflux.
We cloth diaper. (and love it!) Currently I use a mix of fitted diapers/covers, some pockets.
I am pro-life, pro-breastfeeding, pro-home birth and a Christian. Jesus is my Savior and friend. I live to be His disciple and hope to be more like Him.